About Us
The GVCA is your Community Association, made up of you, your neighbours, and thousands of other families in Guildwood. Led by a group of dedicated volunteers, and with hundreds more who contribute throughout the year, we are committed to organizing and promoting community activities, to encouraging and enabling involvement of residents in issues which affect our community, and to representing the interests of the community in dealing with governments and other organizations.
We work with elected officials over issues of land development, traffic and transit, parks and recreation, and other issues that affect our community. We represent the interests of the community in dealing with levels of government and other organizations.
We keep you informed through the Guildwood News & Views (four issues a year), special flyers, posters, public meetings, email communications, enews and Facebook. If you would like to receive email communication on important issues or special events, meetings, please sign up here. We believe that an informed association is a strong association.
We organize events like our annual Garage Sale Day, Clean-Up Day, Guildwood Day, Candy Cane Hunt and other special Guildwood Village projects. These special days help to build a strong and connected community. We are proud of where we live and the people who live here.
We respond to residents' concerns, and we promote action to ensure Guildwood remains a great place to live. Your participation, suggestions, criticisms and comments are encouraged.
The GVCA was formed in 1958. Over the years, we have earned a reputation for caring about our community, for providing responsible leadership and promoting community spirit.
Become a member today to support our efforts. ​
Our History
Guildwood Village is a welcoming enclave. That was the original plan. Today’s community sits on the first level of Lake Iroquis and until the early 1900’s was farmland. A majority of today’s village was owned by four families: the Humphries, The Eades, the Galloways and the McCains.
The Guildwood Flag
The Guildwood Village Flag was adopted by the Guildwood Village Community Association (GVCA) on June 12, 2018 as the official Flag of Guildwood Village.
Guildwood Village residents, schools, churches and businesses are encouraged to fly the Guildwood Village Flag from flag poles, on merchandise and apparel (e.g. coffee mugs, t-shirts) and electronically on websites and social media. Please visit Guildwood Village Flag Rules for details and print file.